
Phyllis I. Warkentin

Chief Medical Officer • Foundation for Accreditation Cellular Therapy (FACT)

Dr. Phyllis I. Warkentin is a founding member of FACT and has been serving as a board member and chief medical officer since the organization’s inception.

In addition to her work with FACT, Dr. Warkentin has been the director of the unrelated bone marrow transplantation program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center since 1988 and a professor of pediatrics and pathology/microbiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center since 1994. She attended medical school at the University of Minnesota where she subsequently completed a residency in pediatrics, and fellowships in pediatric hematology/oncology and blood banking.

Also Speaking

John Balchunas

Workforce Director • The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL)

Joy Aho

Director of Product Management • Be The Match BioTherapies

Stefanos Theoharis

Core Team Member • Cell One Partners

Also Speaking


2025 Downloadable Agenda

Download the post-event report for Advanced Therapies Week 2024.

Post-Event Report

Download the post-event report for Advanced Therapies Week 2024.